Where do freelancers find customers?

Recent data shows an interesting diversity in how freelancers find work. For instance, research from MBO and the State of Independence in America 2022 revealed that 41% of freelancers secure jobs through online marketplaces or freelance platforms. On the other hand, local research in Belgium found that only 14% of freelancers use platforms, with 89% relying on their personal networks.

The contrast is intriguing, and we believe the voices of freelancers within independent communities can help us better understand these patterns.

An in-depth report exploring the preferences of freelancers in client acquisition channels, based on demographics, educational background, and seniority in the business.

This report is a valuable resource for those seeking to explore effective customer acquisition channels and gain insights from freelancers with similar profiles on what has proven successful for them.

This report serves as a valuable source of data for freelance marketplaces, offering insights into freelancers’ preferences and shedding light on the reasons why many freelancers opt for sources other than registering on a freelance platform.

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