Would you like to reach out to freelancers?

We can help

Request our sponsorship and partnership packs

Who we collaborate with

Freelance communities

We help to run community events, structure communication and marketing, and share your message or to connect with our freelancers.

Freelance jobs platforms and collectives

We connect freelance job platforms with freelancers and explain the value. We advertise job openings or connect with specific freelance profiles.

Organisations offering products or services to freelancers

We create tailor-made marketing, communications and advertising campaigns designed specifically for organisations goals and feature them as sponsors at our upcoming events or community partners. Contact us for more details [email protected]

Freelancer business coaches or mentors

We help boost personal branding by featuring mentors and coaches at our events. Apply for the call for speakers via this form to let us know what you would like to talk about. We can further help to promote your services to a wider freelance community.

We are trusted by

Doerscircle partner of the Freelance Business Community
The indie list
Gigged.ai logo
Charipickers logo
Linkus logo FBC
CXC Global
MBO Partners logo
Safety Wing
Doerscircle partner of the Freelance Business Community
Linkus logo for FBC transparent
CXC Global
Charipickers logo
Gigged.ai logo
MBO Partners logo
The indie list
Safety Wing
Freelancing.eu logo
Open Assembly