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Being Freelance in Europe: Everything You Need to Know About Freelancing Market

In June 2020, Malt and BCG jointly conducted a survey of more than 2,324 respondents in three countries (France, Germany, Spain) to better understand freelancing dynamics in Europe.

Below we bring the main take-aways for our readers and you can download the full report here.

Freelance Business Community
| January 14, 2021
Freelance Business Community
January 14, 2021

Freelancing is a growing trend that keeps on accelerating

Over 3 million people in France, Germany and Spain are freelancers working in professional services.

An infographic showing that over 3m people in France, Germany and Spain are freelancers working in professional services.

Digital Freelancers are Top Performers and drive innovation within companies

Freelancers are on the forefront on constant learning of new technics and applications. They like and need to stay updated to remain competitive, thus providing their clients with the most advanced expertise.

An infographic showing the KPIs for professional experience, academic background, and self-training.

Freelancing is a deliberate choice by professionals. Freelancers is no longer someone who is not able to find a job.

Being a freelancer is no longer seen as a “risky choice” – it is a well thought decision that allows qualified individuals to decide exactly who they want to work with and how they want to capitalise on their knowledge. 75-85% of freelancers do not want to get back to their fixed job.

An infographic with a) % of freelancers that don't want to return to their fixed job, b) reasons for becoming a freelancer.

The new work order

Freelance resources are agile, quick to get involved and more efficient, flexible and carry specific skills set required for the organisation at the specific point of time. Duration of the recruitment process illustates the benefits.

An illustration showing the time it takes to recruit a new person internally, externally, or freelance.

The report also identified the main obstacles for freelancers economy to thrive. Mainly: Society and legislators don’t yet know freelancing well enough to set adecvate rules to ensure freelancers have access to financial instruments, health insurance, social protection in the evaluated countries. The misconception surrounding freelancing is still very present in most markets. Read full report here.


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