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List of Online Work Platforms for IT Freelancers

Get the best IT positions with these online work platforms for tech freelancers
Freelance Business Community
| June 21, 2022
Freelance Business Community
June 21, 2022

IT is one of the fastest-growing sectors for freelancers. With plenty of opportunities to work on exciting projects with top clients, as well as great remote work opportunities, it is easy to see why so many developers and IT experts gravitate towards freelance.

With so many options on the market, it is important to find the one which matches your skills and aspirations. This is why we’ve compiled a list of freelance platforms aimed at the IT and tech sectors.


Topcoder is the world’s largest technology network and on-demand digital talent platform, with more than 1.6 million members worldwide. They allow many world-classed organisations to get easy access to tech talent, but what is more special is the way they turn their platform into a lively community of experts with a common goal of self-development and delivering great work. 

It attracts Data scientists, web developers, UI/UX designers, QA testers and more specialities. Topcoder features a detailed freelancer profile with skills, performance ratings and other metrics to showcase your full capabilities. Topcoder features challenges from companies like NASA, Microsoft and BT, where experts from around the world compete to complete unique projects. 

What is more, Topcoder is the first freelancer platform which offers its members to purchase health insurance through their partner, SafetyWing.

The cherry on top is the TopCoder Open and the freelancer fair – amazing events which aim to create a strong community of passionate IT experts, who support each other and share experience. 


Glasgow-based Gigged.AI helps you find freelance gigs in tech and other areas. They allow you to quickly set-up your freelancer profile and apply for positions, or simply have their AI system match you with great positions.

They have worked with great tech clients such as Atos, The Data Lab, Money Dashboard and the University of Edinburgh.

But they care not only about your freelance success, but about the planet too – for every gig posted on their platform, they will plant a tree to help offset their CO2 emissions.


Distributed are a tech paltform which is disrupting how traditional talent sourcing works. With their innovative Elastic Teams approach, they can access a global pool of tech specialists and efficiently assemble a team. These pre-vetted specialists can be ready within days and can augment an existing team, helping the client scale the delivery of projects up and down at a short notice.

Their roles are not limited to developers and programmers, but include other positions in tech team such as Business Analyst, Managing Director and Executive Assistant, so it is a good platform to follow if you are looking into diversifying your experience. The platform also takes care of admin for you and makes sure you get paid on time, so there is no need to worry about chasing payments.

Find out how you can join their team here.


The platform has existed for more than 17 years and boasts over 250,000 users. It is a commissions-free platform that connects freelancers in the IT industry with clients from all over the world. You can apply to projects in software and web development, IT infrastructure, engineering, SAP and Project Management, Consulting and more, and take advantage of features like profile analytics, creating a visual portfolio, setting up job alerts and more.

They offer a Free and Premium options (from €10.99/month – annual plan) and you don’t get charged any commission on you earnings, so all that you have agreed with the client is yours to keep! Find out more here.


X-team is an exciting job board which focuses on building a dedicated community of developers who work with leading brands like Intel, Fox, Riot Games and many others.

The difference compared to other online work platforms is that X-team caters to employers looking for an on-demand team, so if you are after individual assignments, you might want to skip this one. Instead, X-team aims to provide a more long-term development solution to its clients. You may become part of a well-knit team of freelancers working together on a big project, which can be a great career move.

On top of that, if travelling is your passion, X-team offers X-Outpost events, which are great adventures for the team to exotic places like Brazil. You can also get access to their Unleash+ membership, giving you $2,500 per year to use on upskilling.


6prog stands out as a platform which makes it easy for clients and businesses to engage in a work relationship. It encourages flexibility and agile work arrangements and offers hands-on support to its customers. It uses a Statement of Work system between clients and workers, and offers a dashboard which makes tracking work and payment easy, which makes work more straightforward. If you’d like more advice on how to make sure your invoices are paid on time, see here.

For businesses, they also help with a free IR35 call, GDPR support and a security and privacy analysis. They charge a 3% fee for their services.

Freelancer IT platform work guide list

Freelancer IT platform work guide list



Arc.dev is a solution for more experienced developers. Similar to Codecontrol, it has a vetting process for freelancers to ensure the quality of applicants. The process consists of a short chat with the team, followed by a skills assessment. 

After you get approved, Arc.dev features your profile for 2 weeks directly to hiring managers, who can then message you and invite you to an interview. 

As a bonus, you can get free coaching from members of Arc.dev to help you get hired by the recruiters. They offer some added benefits, such as a Salary explorer, a Resume builder and Job discovery, which aggregates remote jobs from around the web for you. 


Imagine Tinder, but for IT freelancers. Now you have Bevopr.io. After you create your profile, the algorithm will suggest jobs for you and you will be able to like the ones that seem interesting. When the company likes you back, you get matched and you will be able to send in your CV and discuss the details of the assignment.

The main selling point of the platform is that it keeps your profile completely anonymous while applying for jobs, allowing your skills to speak for you. This would be useful for emplyees who want to explore what freelancing has to offer, without worry that their company will find out.


G2i prides itself as being the only platform just for pre-vetted JavaScript developers. If you are an expert in React, React Native, GraphQL and Node.js and are looking for a remote position, G2i’s highly targeted job postings are right up your alley! 

They require developers to go through a code challenge, followed by an interview where a team member will discuss the code with you, before you are featured on the platform. G2i boasts vetted clients like Y-Combinator startups and Fortune 500 enterprises, making it an exciting place to hunt for new opportunities. 


Similar to G2i, Codeable specialises in WordPress developers. They offer a mix of jobs, both long-term and short-term, and aim to match clients to workers in under one day.  

The platform wants to give their developers fair pay: they guarantee an hourly rate of $70-120 USD, so you won’t have to worry about pricing yourself low to get picked for a job – no bidding. They have a vetting process for freelancers and a strong community and growth aspect.

They also have a dedicated support team to help you manage the client relationship and assist you if any issues with the project arise.  


Teamway.io unites freelance developers, designers and product managers and matches them with great opportunities. They create teams for the their clients and focus on flexibility, which allows clients to scale their project/team up or down. 

Teamway.io screens freelancers via a problem-solving technical test, followed by a live screening by members of their team. At the end they receive a test project which takes 1-2 weeks to complete. Once you are accepted and join a gig, they allow you to keep all of your earnings – they take 15% in markups for clients. 

If you are a freelancer and would like to get started with building your own team for a project, you can see our guide on that here.


Gun.io connects tech freelancers to vetted clients. They claim their network consists of 10,000+ freelancers. They provide you with a WorkStyle assessment, which aims to determine your personality profile and match you with the right position or team. When a match is made, they use their developer relations team to conduct the interviews and ensure you are a good match.

After you start on a project, they let you keep 100% of your earnings. However, they don’t provide much project management or other type of operational support for after you start your work. 

Turing, Guru, RemoteOK– and other popular job boards

Plenty of freelance job boards offer opportunities for IT professionals, and we cannot list all of them. Here are another few examples:

Turing shares US-based development jobs. After answering a few questions and a technical interview, you get matched with big clients on various remote projects. The platform focuses on full-time and long-term positions, so it is aimed at the committed freelancer, rather than someone looking for part-time gigs. 

Freelancer IT platform work guide

Freelancer IT platform work guide

Guru is a job platform which offers a range of categories, but the largest one is for IT pros – currently, they offer more than 300,000 tech freelancers. Similarly to Upwork, it has a large variety of jobs for all skill levels and you can browse plenty of positions. 

RemoteOK is a job board which collects development jobs from many different platforms and allows you to quickly search for different positions. 

Toptal is a popular platform which attracts tech freelancers, which is known for its rigorous vetting process.

There are over 20 million full-time and part-time software developers in the world, and now is the best time to join the freelance revolution. We hope that all these online work platforms will help you find a position which satisfies you and can help you grow your skills while achieving work-life balance. 


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