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80+ Great Tools for Freelancers

Technology is there to help freelancers to run their freelance work efficiently and effectively. We asked freelancers from our community about which tools they use and sharing. We collected responses, summarised and delighted to share the list below with you.

During the #freelancebusinessmonth we also had a session with Zakia Ringgold where we discussed the technology that can assist freelancers. We have added some details below for your information. Save this page in your bookmarks, as you may need it later.

Freelance Business Community
| January 22, 2021
Freelance Business Community
January 22, 2021

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Tools and technology to manage your freelance accounting

  1. Xolo – easy invoicing and invoice payments tracker (international)
  2. Yuki – accounting solution for freelancers in Belgium
  3. Exact – accounting solution for SMEs in the Nederlands
  4. Quaderno – if you are growing business and require more sophisticated solution to run your finances
  5. Winbooks – accounting solution for freelancers in Belgium
  6. Fiscozen – accounting solution for freelancers in Italy

Tools for freelancers collaboration, planning and tasks management

  1. Slack for collaboration and network (Join Freelance Business Slack )
  2. Dropbox for saving documents
  3. Acuity for scheduling
  4. Calendly for scheduling
  5. Notion for grouping information together and also for sharing and working together on certain files, it also has more options in case Evernote is too limited
  6. Clickup for storing tasks, docs, chat, goals, and more.
  7. Lastpass for keeping and share passwords
  8. Oncehub for appointments scheduling,
  9. TurboScan app for documents and receipts scanning (find it on Google play or Apple store)
  10. Zapier for connecting tools to each other, so you can automate processes
  11. Typerform for forms
  12. Evernote for storing all kinds of information
  13. Feedly – to keep your newsletters and research information organised
  14. Todoist

Freelance marketing, sales, funnel management, social media and marketing automation

  1. Hootsuite for social media management
  2. Falcon.io social media management
  3. Later for social media content scheduling
  4. Planoly for social media content scheduling
  5. Recurpost for social media planning
  6. Hootsuite for social media planning
  7. Mailchimp for marketing automation
  8. ActivCampaign for marketing automation
  9. ConvertKit for sending newsletters
  10. Kajabi for marketing automation, for e-commerce
  11. LaPosta for marketing automation
  12. Funnelytics for tracking and funnel optimising
  13. Clickfunnels for funnels building
  14. TeamLeader for CRM
  15. LinkedIn for your connections and finding clients
  16. Seo Tester for your SEO performance
  17. SEO Ubersuggest by Neil Patel
  18. Ingramer – Instagram hashtag generator
  19. Clicktotweet – to populate preset tweets
  20. Hotjar – web analytics tools that also help you analyse traffic data

For creative work

  1. Canva for graphical design
  2. Miro for visual collaboration
  3. Wix for website and blog
  4. WordPress for website and blog
  5. Adobe suite for graphics and photography
  6. Audio Hijack for recording audio
  7. Da Vinci Resolve for video editing
  8. Dreamstime for images
  9. Django – an all-in-one, modern WordPress platform for entrepreneurs, freelancers and hobbyists with additional web services to make your freelance business run smoother
  10. Mindmaster for brainstorming
  11. Grammarly – AI powered grammar checker (english)
  12. Elementor – WordPress website builder

For freelance insurance

  1. Unum
  2. Dinghy (UK)
  3. Arag (Group operates in 19 countries, including the United States, Canada and Australia.)
  4. Vanbreda (Belgium, the Netherlands)
  5. Safetywing – travel/nomand insurance

To follow online courses or to create your own trainings

  1. Teachable for online courses, client portals, recordings
  2. Zoom for online meetings
  3. Thinkific for producing courses
  4. Skillshare
  5. Coursera
  6. LinkedIn Learning
  7. Loom – to record your screen

For freelance project management

  1. Asana
  2. Teamwork Projects
  3. Gantt
  4. Trello
  5. Clickup

For freelance time tracking

  1. Toggl
  2. Tomato
  3. Clockify
  4. Trello
  5. Xolo

For freelance zen

  1. Calm
  2. Mediation Moments
  3. Headspace
  4. Sleepiest (was also rated as the most creative website by Tilda.cc)
  5. Youper
  6. Balance
  7. Let’s meditate

You should also check these freelance resources

Freelance podcasts

Our favorite podcasts and channels on business and freelancing, suggested by our community

A woman of Asian descent sitting behind a desk in an office, smiling.
Contract essentials

Short but helpful guides for freelancers to deal with freelance agreements

A white coloured room with two windows and two women, one of them behind a desk, and the second in a white box.
Legal help for freelancers in Belgium

Resources that can help you to resolve legal matter without spending too much money on it.

An image of a man in a T-shirt writing something on a glass wall from the other side.
Five essential insurances for freelancers

List of insurances every freelancer need to have to be protected.

A picture of two women in dark clothes in an office, one of them showing the V sign and holding a paper cup of coffee.


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