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Top 10 Business Areas for Future Freelancers: AI, VR/AR, Green and Health Tech, Content Production and Other Exciting Topics

Are you one of those people who follow the latest advances in AI (artificial intelligence) with a touch of anxiety and excitement? Or are you eager to be among the first to try it out? Whichever camp you fall into, one thing is for sure: no one can predict exactly what you will be doing and/or what software you will be using for your work in 10 years' time! Therefore, in this article, we have gathered a list of business/professional fields that are expected to become increasingly in demand in the future. We want to give you a little grip on your learning and development plans!
Freelance Business Community
| November 14, 2023
Freelance Business Community
November 14, 2023
Top 10 Business Areas for Future Freelancers: AI, VR/AR, Green & Health Tech, Content Production and Other Exciting Topics

Starting a business is never an easy decision, especially in uncertain times. It is even harder to take the risks that come with running your own business. But as they say, in a crisis there is opportunity! With the rise of the online world, technological advances and changing lifestyle trends, these years could be a great time to take control and start your own business, or even take your existing business to the next level!

Top 10 trends and business ideas for freelancers in 2024 (and beyond)


Do you want to succeed as a generalist in multiple fields, an expert in a narrow field, or a niche-focused entrepreneur? With these trends and related business ideas, you don’t have to worry about wasting your time and energy. The trends below will stay with us for quite some time, so it’s worth taking the time to learn more about them and exploit their business potential!


Sustainability and green technologies, smart homes

As a freelance sustainability manager or advisor at larger companies, you can also look forward to an increasing number of opportunities. But you can also build a successful business on the wastefulness so common in consumer society!


E-commerce and online marketplaces

Creating webshops that provide instant ordering and delivery, drop-shipping (no need to keep stock). Providing e-commerce services, webshop consultancy, webshop marketing, webshop SEO, webshop uploading and administration, CRM system management, customer relationship management.


Virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR)

A VR/AR designer, content developer, programmer, simulation expert, marketing expert or trainer using VR/AR technology, but you can stand out in a wide range of service areas if you use VR/AR technology in your business administration, CRM system management, customer relationship management.


Healthcare technology

An ageing population and rising healthcare costs are driving the demand for innovative healthcare technology solutions. You can also become a healthcare application developer, healthcare data analyst, healthcare database administrator, healthcare software developer, healthcare privacy specialist, healthcare robotics expert.


Personalised advice in nutrition, health, life management, career

Personal trainer, lifestyle counsellor, personalised diet solutions, career counselling, life and business coaching, health counselling, therapeutic services. Today, you can do any of these counselling services online, even personal coaching via your TV/laptop screen. There are also a number of online workout programs, some of which are using AI powered personal trainers.


Complex marketing strategy

Brand and communication strategist, marketing strategist, content strategist, SEO strategist, social media planner. Marketing professionals who can see through the increasingly complex content networks and are familiar with the latest technologies, solutions and automation in marketing are increasingly in demand.


Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning:

Machine learning expert, data scientist, big data analyst, chatbot developer, customer relationship management systems and sales software expert, image processing specialist. If you are not an expert looking to capitalise on this trend, you should consider using these technologies to improve your business and make processes more efficient. For example, as a freelancer, you can save a lot of time on customer management, copywriting or simple web search tasks by using ChatGPT.


Content production, content marketing:

Creative copywriter, blogger, vlogger, editor, video editor, video editor, podcaster, podcast editor, graphic designer, content manager and the still highly sought-after social media manager (mainly Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, TikTok, Pinterest or all of them together). It’s also worth considering the potential of affiliate marketing. Creating websites, blogs, YouTube channels that showcase sponsored content and direct customers to affiliate websites.


Educational technology

E-learning content developer, e-learning designer, e-learning software developer, e-learning project manager, e-learning marketing specialist. If there is an area in which you have been well-versed over the years and have the right knowledge, create paid training materials or start your own online course! With the help of AI-based software in development, all you need to do is write the material, turn it into a video tutorial with a professional presenter in just a few clicks.


How to select a profitable area for your freelance business?

Learn from Elaine Pofeldt, an independent journalist and speaker who specialises in entrepreneurship and careers, author of the upcoming book Tiny Business, Big Money, about freelancers and solopreneurs making 6 and 7 figures on our YouTube. 



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