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Dressing Up for Work Can Help When Working at Home

Yes, being comfy working at home has its positives, but are you missing out on some unexpected benefits of dressing up?
Freelance Business Community
| April 08, 2021
Freelance Business Community
April 08, 2021

Since the pandemic began, many people have switched to working from home and the hidden challenges it brings. While not having to commute daily and making your own cozy home office are obvious benefits,the lack of routine and the entanglement of work and home life can challenge even the most diligent employees. For freelancers, those issues have been there for a while, and they have tried and tested many solutions. There might be one simple trick, backed by science, which can make switching into “work mode” a little easier for us all. And that is simply dressing up for work.

But I love to work at home in my sweatpants!

Not having to choose the best outfit, laboriously groom yourself, or apply make-up can all be huge time savers. This frees up time for some quick exercise, a lie-in, or spending time with your family. If you dress with utility in mind, you won’t have to change if you’re working out at your home office during your lunch break, or if you’re cooking or doing something else that can ruin your nice shirt. Also, with the stressful times we’re living in, working in comfy clothes can help you relax and be good for your mental health.

Enclothed cognition and home working environment

No matter how comfy working in your PJs might feel, there is evidence it may actually be doing you a disservice. Why? It’s all linked to your brain. Research team from Northwestern University coined the term “enclothedcognition” and used it in their study, which describes the effect your clothes have on personal performance. When researchers gave participants a lab coat and asked them to do a task, they found the coat made them more accurate and attentive than before. When the researchers repeated the experiment but told subjects the coat is actually a painter’s coat and not a doctor’s, their attention did not improve. This shows your brain takes cues from your clothes to adjust its performance, which can lead to more confidence and improved efficiency.

Dressing up creates a sense of structure and allows you to set boundaries to your workday. Put on a shirt and tie – time for work. Remove the shirt and tie – time for rest. Professor Carolyn Mair, author of “The Psychology of Fashion,” claims that going through your normal morning routine helps you get a sense of control over your life, which reduces stress and can make the disruption to your lifestyle feel less severe. If you simply open your laptop in your bed and munch cereal while replying to important emails, you’re not giving your brain the correct signals.

Tips for home office wardrobe fun

If you feel like dressing up for work will remove one of the perks of working from home, don’t stress! There is less pressure about looking perfect when you work from home. Your whole outfit won’t be visible on the video, so color-matching is less of an issue. Haven’t had time to iron your trousers? Throw them on regardless! Freezing cold and raining outside? You’re not going out, so don’t worry about picking warm clothes.

Use this freedom! You can experiment with your look in a risk-free environment and see what works – a new outfit can also be one of the tools for confidence-boosting.

Experts recommend dressing up as if a potential client will zoom you at any moment – it will save you the pressure of dressing up hastily and give you more time to prepare for an emergency meeting.

If you still love working in sweatpants, set a casual day! After four days of dressing up, treat yourself to working in your PJs on Friday. It will be something to look forward to, and a small reward at the end of a hard week.

There is plenty of evidence that making the effort in the morning improves your self-image and will help you get into “work mode”. Regardless of whether you’re a freelancer or an employee working from home, this lifestyle can be challenging, and small things like making yourself look presentable can go a long way to boosting your mood.


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