Are you running a community of freelancers and need help with managing it?
Freelance Business can help you with your community management and share community building tips and proven strategies to activate your members and monetisation techniques. On top, you can start running your own community under the FBC brand and enjoy even more benefits.
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Essential Resources
Networking for Freelancers: How to Network and Improve Your Career
Here is a list of tips to make you better at the art of networking as a freelancer.
Freelance Problems and What Do Freelancers Do to Solve Them
Last month, I was invited by friends to an outdoor potluck. It was the first "nice weather Saturday" of the year, thus a meal outside was the best plan possible in a city where the sun is hard to come by.
by Mariana Cadenas
How Can You Become a Thought Leader?
Philip Verhaeghe was invited to give a keynote speech at the Freelance Business Day 2019 to uncover the topic of thought leadership. Every freelancer is eager to know how to position themselves as a thought leader and an expert in their own professional field, thus we are publishing his speech below. by Philip Verhaeghe, Freelance editor and advisor, Belgium
"Many freelancers dream to be broadly recognised as an authority and thought leader in their particular field of work."
20 Global Job Websites for Freelancers to Find Work
Platforms that can help create opportunities for you and add additional projects to your portfolio.
Freelance Contract Essentials
Freelance Business Community has hosted a masterclass about the freelance contract essentials with Ian de Swart, co-founder of Charipickers. Below are some short but helpful guides for freelancers when dealing with agreements.
Virtual Assistant for Freelancers: How to Hire a Virtual Admin Assistant
If there's anything we have learned during the corona crisis, it is that working online is not as impossible as it might have seemed before! Working online gave us lots of freedom, but at the same time accelerated the number of tasks we needed to do, sometimes at a very high speed and in a short time frame. We asked Astrid Van den Maagdenberg, who is a virtual assistant herself, to tell us what a virtual assistant does and how virtual assistants can help independent professionals and freelancers to free up extra time for business.
Do Freelancers Have Vacations?
I can feel your eyes rolling back...Vacation?!!
'Workation' is probably a better word to describe the rest time of an independent professional this year.